The Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017: Europe

2016 proved to be a busy year for CT in Europe as the number of jihadi-related attacks increased and the nature of the threat evolved, with most plots involving ‘home grown’ radicalised individuals, as opposed …

The AN/TPY-2 radar and second-strike guarantees

International relations sometimes turn on points of deep uncertainty. One of the hottest current debates concerns the capabilities of the AN/TPY-2 radar associated with the THAAD system being deployed in South Korea. The question of …

Beast of burden

If Hawaiian-born Obama had done it, people would have said he had kahunas. But we’re talking about New York native Donald Trump, so the word is chutzpa. According to Fox News, Trump handed German Chancellor …

Cyber wrap

Telstra released its 2017 Cyber Security Report this week, and it seems that cyber threats are continuing to grow at a considerable clip. The report, based on Telstra’s own data and results from 360 business …

Security in a disrupted world

I have always believed that our institutions should seek to reflect the diversity of our community. So you might well be expecting me to bemoan the fact that there are still too few women inhabiting …

Foreign policy redux

Writing recently about Malcolm Turnbull’s decision not to seek ratification of an extradition treaty with China, the journalist Bernard Keane didn’t think it would affect the government’s political position: ‘For a start, it was in …

Mr Xi goes to Mar-a-Lago

When I was ambassador to the United States, I used to say that Australia was allied to the US—minus one building in Washington. That building housed the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Along with the Department of …

Bitcoin’s road to legitimacy

Bitcoin is often mentioned in the media in the same breath as the now defunct ‘silk road’ dark-web trading site, and usually accompanied by a nonsensical stock photo of a laptop user wearing a balaclava. …

Big Oz bets on Asia (part 3)

Two visits to Australia by the Chinese leader Li Keqiang illustrate the China sweet-and-sour. The just-completed trip by Premier Li for the annual leaders’ summit was all about the sweet. Just the fact of the …

ASPI suggests

This week’s ASPI Suggests is blasting off in three…two…one…. SpaceX gave a new meaning to reduce, reuse, recycle this morning, as it made history by successfully launching a pre-loved Falcon 9 rocket into orbital space. …

The outsiders’ race for the Elysee Palace

The French presidential election due on 23 April has failed to ignite much interest in the English language media, even though it represents a major political upheaval, with establishment candidates such as Nicolas Sarkozy, Alain …

Sovereignty, sovereignty, all is sovereignty

Sovereignty is the topic du jour in defence circles. The Defence Industry Policy Statement (DIPS) 2016 has replaced the concept of Priority Industry Capabilities (PICs) with Sovereign Industry Capabilities (SICs) and the Department of Defence …

The Strategist Six: Brad Glosserman

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, analysts, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. What are your impressions …