France’s extraordinary election

Sixty years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome, France is poised to hold an election that could make or break the European Union. A victory for the pro-EU independent centrist Emmanuel Macron could …

The Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017: South Asia

South Asia in 2016 presented a mixed picture for counterterrorism. Excluding those in Afghanistan, fatalities from terrorist violence among all categories of victim—members of the public, security forces and, indeed, terrorists—are at their lowest levels …

Cyber wrap

A second instalment of Wikileaks’ CIA series ‘Vault 7’ came out this week, following the first leak  earlier this month. This new tranche, comprising 12 documents and codenamed ‘Dark Matter’, purports to outline how the …

North Korea: stronger Kim, but weaker Kims?

Finding a solution to North Korea’s accelerating nuclear and missile programs grows more urgent by the day. Our previous strategies—delay and denial—will no longer avail us. But the three standard options—diplomacy, sanctions or use of …

Sea, air, land and space updates

Sea State The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s second Izumo-class helicopter carrier, the Kaga, entered service last week. The warship is expected to embark Mitsubishi-Sikorsky SH-60K Seahawk anti-submarine warfare helicopters and AgustaWestland/Kawasaki MCH-101 aircraft for mine-countermeasures. …

Is Australia now China’s strategic prize?

The Australia–China–US triangular relationship is becoming ever more important as Chinese power and influence continue to rise, as America’s Asia policy enters a highly uncertain and even capricious phase under President Donald Trump, and as …

The Counterterrorism Yearbook 2017: Indonesia

Indonesia’s 2016 was bookended by two significant terrorist events. The first was the 14 January bombing and shooting attack by four people near the Sarinah department store in the centre of Jakarta , which killed …

Big Oz bets on Asia (part two)

The descriptor ‘Asia’ attempts to identify so much that it delivers sparse meaning. So making a series of big bets on Asia will help define the many tasks and pressures confronting the Foreign Policy White …

ASPI suggests

There’s been a heft of useful reads in the last week about new US Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, born of curiosity about the man, the outcomes his recent jaunt to Asia, and judgements …

Pyne flags missile defence system

The Turnbull government has ramped up its push to train the specialised workforce needed to build $95 billion worth of warships in Australia over the next three decades and hinted that Australia will have a …