The politics of historicide

In a world of disarray, the Middle East stands apart. The post-World War I order is unravelling in much of the region. The people of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya have paid an enormous price. …

SBY’s dynastic ambitions

Rather than assuming the mantle of a distinguished elder statesman, former Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has done himself considerable harm by mixing religion and populism in an unsuccessful effort to create a political dynasty. …

ASPI suggests

Michael Flynn’s recent fall from grace opened the door for yet another General to join the Trump administration. Since the President announced that H.R. McMaster will take on the role of National Security Advisor, portraiture …

Big Data: the devil’s in the detail

As the government’s review of the Australian Intelligence Community (AIC) picks up steam, one of the key challenges is to identify and resolve growing gaps in the AIC’s technological capabilities. One such capability is the …

Alliance management and the Trump administration

If the Trump–Turnbull call illustrated the operatic nature of the early Trump administration, then the Trump–Abe long weekend presented an alternative picture of US alliance management under the new President. Both episodes demonstrate how leader-to-leader …

Wanted: a new policy on nuclear weapons

Within a week of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved its Doomsday Clock half a minute closer to midnight. The international community, it warned, had failed to come to grips with …

Fiji and Israel: an unusual partnership

Until a few weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was scheduled to visit Fiji as an extension of his Australian visit. This would have reciprocated a previous visit to Jerusalem by Fiji’s Prime Minister …

Cyber wrap

Russia’s been ruffling feathers across Europe again this week, with Ukraine accusing the Russian government of using a new virus to target its critical infrastructure as part of Russia’s ongoing cyber sabotage campaign against the …

Australia and France: where next for the like-minded?

This year’s Presidential election in France will be unusually significant for Australia, though it’s not likely to alter the substance of our bilateral relationship. The interests that Australia and France share run too deep for …

Trump’s China challenge

Over the last eight years, as China’s posturing in Asia became increasingly aggressive, many criticized US President Barack Obama for failing to stand up to the Asian giant. It was on Obama’s watch, after all, …

The future of the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation

ASEAN’s various high-level commitments to cooperation on counterterrorism and transnational organised crime have proven difficult to operationalise into police-to-police action. There’s been no shortage of rhetoric from senior ASEAN officials and politicians supporting regional cooperation …