Next steps for Australia’s northern defence bases

A significant focus in the 2023 defence strategic review was the north of Australia. While it had the expected references to northern Australia’s military and geographical advantages, more importantly, the review highlighted that a lot …

Scoping out the 2024 intelligence review

‘Our intelligence agencies underpin our national security objectives, including helping to safeguard our sovereignty in an increasingly uncertain security environment. This Independent Review will make sure that our intelligence agencies are best positioned to serve …

What’s next for 5G in Southeast Asia?

In recent months, announcements of successful tests by various Southeast Asian telecommunication companies in RedCap (‘reduced capacity’) 5G have been a reminder of the region’s gradual rollout of fifth-generation networks. RedCap 5G is expected to …

The five-domains update

Sea state Israeli naval forces thwarted an infiltration attempt by Hamas divers on Tuesday. The divers entered Israeli waters through a tunnel that took them from land directly into the sea. They were intercepted by …

The end of the road for Poland’s populists?

This wasn’t supposed to happen. With sweeping control over state financial resources and public and local media, Poland’s populist ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS), had a massive structural advantage in this month’s parliamentary election. …