Obama’s foreign policy legacy in three quotes

After the Bush administration, many believed that President Obama would bring stability to the global order with a fusion of eloquent rhetoric, a preference for multilateralism and a cautious approach to exercising the politico-military capabilities …

Harnessing the politics of disruption

The United Kingdom’s vote to exit the European Union and Donald Trump’s election as US president exposed a deep generational divide. Cosmopolitan millennials and nationalist pensioners—what Thomas Friedman calls ‘Web People’ and ‘Wall People’—seem to …

Cyber wrap

Welcome back to the first Cyber wrap of 2017! Since our last post in mid-December, the political fallout from Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US election continue to reverberate. On 29 December President Obama …

Can Trump manage North Korea?

US President Donald Trump’s administration, like many before it, has had a rocky start; but the most pressing challenges are yet to come. Among them will be North Korea, whose leader, Kim Jong-un, used his …

Nuclear balancing and the curse of the heavy ICBM

These days, when Australians turn to thinking about worrying nuclear weapons issues, they tend to look first to the alarming pace of North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, second to the growing role of nuclear …

World Order 2.0

For nearly four centuries, since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 ended the Thirty Years’ War in Europe, the concept of sovereignty—the right of countries to an independent existence and autonomy—has formed the core of …

Trump’s Taiwan instinct: a threat to peace?

Donald Trump has signaled his interest in using America’s ‘One China’ policy as a bargaining chip in negotiations with China over economic policy (including currency manipulation). While this ‘instinct’ of his isn’t without merit, it …

We’ll be back tomorrow…

It’s a public holiday here in Australia, so Team Strategist will be back tomorrow to bring you more considered analysis on Australia’s defence and security issues after a short break. Until then, if you haven’t …

JASTA: a poison pill for President Trump

In its dying moments the 114th Congress passed a bill, the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, and then, for the only time in Barack Obama’s presidency, overrode his veto. The legislation negates the international legal principle …