Donald Trump and coming scrutiny of ANZUS

A constant in Donald Trump’s electoral pitch was that wealthy allies had for too long relied on America’s willingness to backstop their national security and harvested the long-term economic rewards of keeping their own military …

Cyber wrap

The consequences of August’s #censusfail continue to reverberate in Canberra, and two reports released last week—one by the PM’s Special Adviser on Cyber Security, Alastair MacGibbon; the other by the Senate’s Economics Committee—pull no punches. …

A water war in Asia?

Tensions over water are rising in Asia—and not only because of conflicting maritime claims. While territorial disputes, such as in the South China Sea, attract the most attention—after all, they threaten the safety of sea …

Germany: the ever-dependable Mutti

Although it surprised almost no-one, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s announcement on 20 November that she will again stand as the Chancellor-candidate for the conservative Christian Democratic Party/Christian Social Party Union (CDU/CSU) at next year’s German …

Technology is dulling our intelligence edge

The milk run from Canberra to RAAF Richmond left on Fridays. In the early 1990s, the US Air Force C-141 Starlifter aircraft from Hawaii always visited the RAAF airbase near the Blue Mountains on a …

Australia’s uncertain strategic environment

For the last three decades our official analysis of Australia’s strategic environment has emphasised its fluidity. That trend is rising sharply. Indeed, today we face more uncertainty in our strategic environment than at any time …

Not Trans, not Pacific, not Partnership

Vale the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP has shattered, or sunk, or just slipped away. The symbolism is a US retreat from Asia. Donald Trump is changing the way America’s substance is weighed by the region. …

ASPI suggests

First up this week, a couple of good military blogs to bookmark (if you aren’t already acquainted). The Modern War Institute at West Point runs the cracking War Council Blog, which surveys all aspects of …

America and the world in transition

In less than two months, the American political transition will be over. The 45th president of the United States will settle into the Oval Office. President-elect Donald Trump will become President Trump; President Barack Obama …

USN: to grow bigger, build smaller

There’s been talk lately about so-called plans for the US Navy battle force inventory to return to 350 vessels. President-elect Trump has pledged to begin the biggest naval build-up since the 1980s. The USN inventory …

From peacekeeping to counterterrorism: Africa matters

UN peacekeepers are often deployed when there’s no longer any peace to keep. In the current strategic environment of non-state actors, peacekeeping has also become increasingly complex and non-traditional in character. Despite those new challenges, …

Cyber wrap

The future of US cybersecurity policy remains uncertain as the Trump administration begins to take shape. On Friday Trump named Michael Flynn, previous director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, as his national security advisor in …

Donald Trump’s choices in the Middle East

US President-elect Donald Trump has said a lot about foreign affairs, without really saying anything at all. His muddled statements offer little insight into what kind of foreign policy he will actually pursue, and there …