Masters of war in Syria and Iraq

The Middle East’s tragic tale of two cities—Aleppo in Syria and Mosul in Iraq—speaks to a fundamental lack of consensus in the region and within the broader international community. The lack of order in the …

Tides and eddies of Asia power shifts

In Asia’s slow-motion power shift, the Philippines has just lurched towards China’s orbit. Now to work out a sense of the import and meaning of the shift. President Rodrigo Duterte goes to Beijing to declare …

ASPI suggests

There are only a couple of weeks left until the New York City presidential derby. The read of the week unfolded in the Fairfax press, with Peter Hartcher’s three-part series United Fates, which covers off …

French–Indian relations take off again

France and India have further deepened their military and economic relationship through India’s purchase of 36 French “Rafale” fighter jets at a cost of almost €8 billion. This order is France’s largest aeronautic contract ever …

The return of containment

‘The main element of any US policy towards the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment,’ the US diplomat George Kennan wrote in 1947 in a Foreign Affairs …

America after the election

The ongoing presidential campaign in the United States stands out for its lack of civility and the vast differences between the candidates: the anti-establishment businessman Donald Trump on the Republican side and the polished politician …

National security wrap

The Beat Where there’s smoke, there’s crime CID Gallup, a Latin American public opinion and market research company, has just released a report detailing an alarming surge in the illicit tobacco trade worldwide (PDF). The …

Des Ball: a personal recollection

Des Ball was one of Australia’s greatest strategic thinkers and analysts; an unassuming patriot. His thoughts and analysis pervaded Australian political debate and consideration of our national security interests for decades. His output and his …

Cyber wrap

A large DDoS incident hit the Internet last Friday, taking down several US news, entertainment and business websites including Netflix, Twitter, Spotify, The New York Times, Facebook and Tumblr. Domain name system manager Dyn reported …

Rodrigo Duterte: a genuine political outsider

President Rodrigo Duterte’s may have rowed back from his shock decision to ‘separate’ from the United States announced during his recent visit to China, but the bizarre episode reinforces the picture of a very different …

Trump is finished but Trumpism may prevail

Donald Trump’s insurgent bid to win the White House is the political equivalent of a slow-motion car crash. Every aspect is a disaster; and the Republican Party is powerless to stop it. So big is …