National security wrap

The Beat It’s all about that face Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy & Technology recently released an investigatory report (PDF) on the growing use of facial recognition systems in law enforcement. Among the key findings …

The Indo-Pacific and the nature of conjoinment

Let’s cut to the chase. Few strategic assessments have ever recommended the deleting of a hyphen in favour of a dash as a principal policy recommendation. So Andrew Phillips’ recent ASPI Strategy paper, From Hollywood …

Spaceplanes on the high frontier

A transformation in military space capabilities is occurring hundreds of kilometres above the Earth’s surface as the US Air Force X-37B Space Plane logs over 500 days in orbit in its latest mission. The unmanned …

Cyber wrap

  Last Tuesday the G7 announced that they have agreed to new ‘non-binding principles’ to protect the global financial system from cyber threats such as last year’s SWIFT hacking incident in Bangladesh. A US Treasury …

Australia and New Zealand—so near yet so far

Australia and New Zealand see the world and respond to it differently. That’s not to say there aren’t areas of agreement—free trade, democracy, human rights—but when it comes to defence and foreign policy, there are …

The Pakistani Mecca of terror

Almost seven decades after it was created as the first Islamic republic of the postcolonial era, Pakistan is teetering on the edge of an abyss. The economy is stagnant, unemployment is high, and resources are …

Oz Strategists: Des Ball (1947–2016)

Des Ball was an extraordinary Oz strategist in range and depth. Des, who died last week, was a virtuoso on global strategy, Asia–Pacific security and Australian defence policy. He worked at the highest level on …

ASPI suggests

Professor Desmond Ball AO, a towering figure of issues strategic and defence, passed away on Wednesday after a long illness. While Graeme Dobell will reflect on Des’ enormous impact in his Monday column, a few …

ISIS spreads its roots in the Philippines

Last month, Australian Secret Intelligence Service Director-General Nick Warner warned that ISIS affiliates are ‘in Australia’s backyard’, posing a growing threat to Australia’s national security. During a rare public appearance in Washington DC, he told …

Bombing and civilians—then and now

There’s been a slew of criticism recently of Russian and Saudi bombing of civilian areas during Middle East conflicts. And there’s evidence that the Russian bombing campaign in particular isn’t going out of its way …

National security wrap

The Beat Rampant mortgage fraud in Oz A new UBS survey has revealed the extent of ‘systemic’ mortgage fraud across Australia. Of the 1,228 recent homebuyers surveyed, 28% admitted to misrepresenting information on their mortgage …

Interpreting the ASC split

Yesterday the Australian government (with the PM and three cabinet ministers in attendance) announced that it’s going to split ASC into three separate but still government-owned companies, to ‘support the key capabilities of shipbuilding, submarine …