The Madrid Protocol at 25: stay the course

On 4 October 1991, the Parties to the Antarctic Treaty met in Madrid, Spain to sign the ‘Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty’. The Madrid Protocol, as it’s commonly known, put in place …

China meanings in the South China Sea

International law has had its go at the waters of the South China Sea, and what a magnificent splash. The ruling from The Hague on 12 July was surprisingly definitive. As Mira Rapp-Hooper comments: ‘The …

See you tomorrow…

Hello, readers. We’re enjoying another public holiday in Canberra today, and will be back to our regularly scheduled programming from Tuesday. Until then, catch up with Friday’s ASPI suggests; Rod Lyon on US strategic policy and public …

ASPI suggests

Clinton and Trump went toe-to-toe this week for the first Presidential debate. 30 minutes in, it looked like Trump was pulling off ‘The Haranguing at Hofstra’, but Clinton soon stepped forward to slay an increasingly …

No appeasement for North Korea

Earlier this month, North Korea carried out its fifth nuclear test—its second this year. Judging by the tremor detected, it was the North’s most powerful nuclear device ever. The question now is how the international …

Replacing the Rhino

The 2016 Defence White Paper (DWP16) signals that ‘options to replace the Super Hornets in the late 2020s will be considered in the early 2020s in the light of developments in technology and the strategic …

US strategic policy and public opinion

In the wake of the first presidential debate, we’ve settled into the political trivia season: did Trump have the sniffles? But there are much larger questions at stake. For example, are we about to see …

National security wrap

The Beat Mexican narco-crime surging The latest data released by the Government of President Enrique Peña Nieto indicates that Mexico’s counter-narcotics strategy is stalling amid declining law enforcement results, rising illicit drug production, and increasing …

Trump versus the West

In less than 50 days, we will know who the next president of the United States will be. Though Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has a lead in national opinion polls, it’s narrowed to a near-tie, …

Arctic dreams

The Arctic is a region where great power competition will play out in coming years. Russia has significant strategic and economic interests in the region, and for China the Arctic may prove to have important …

Some thoughts on strategy

­ ‘Strategy’ is one of those words that’s used so widely and in so many different contexts that it often seems to generate confusion. That doesn’t need to be the case, as the nature of …

French presence in the Pacific reinforced by the PIF

France strengthened its South Pacific presence during the 47th Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) earlier this month, with New Caledonia and French Polynesia becoming full members of the organisation. This double integration, supported by Australia, constitutes …

Demining Colombia

The war between Colombia and the FARC rebel group is over. After four years of negotiating, on 26 September in Cartagena both sides shook hands and bid farewell to the longest-running conflict in the western …