It’s the supply chain… dummy!

A complex network of interconnected supply chains keep Australia fed, fuelled, and functioning. But recent changes to Australia’s energy supply chain mean they’re increasingly vulnerable to disruption. Australia, like most advanced economies, relies on a …

Duterte plays poker

The Philippines under President Rodrigo Duterte’s erratic foreign and defence policy is lurching from one foreign policy crisis to the next. There’s deepening concern about extrajudicial killings that are piling bodies up and tarnishing the …

National security wrap

The Beat Petrobas probe deepens Former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is the latest high-profile politician facing prosecution for his role in the evolving Petrobas corruption scandal. On Tuesday, Judge Sérgio Moro, a …

The slipperiness of ‘soft power’

The spate of recent decisions on Chinese investment in Australia and the revelations associated with Senator Sam Dastyari stepping down from his shadow ministerial position have been accompanied by a sharp rise in the media’s …

Knowing your audience: media and the military

The Chief of Army’s conference was remarkably successful. That’s a truism, because those sorts of events always will be. Gather together a parade of senior officers who’ve known one another for years; all competing to …

Trump gains momentum

At this point in the US presidential campaign, the momentum is with Donald Trump. If the trend continues, he’ll be elected. Outside the US, his serial deceits and appallingly bombastic narcissism are redolent of candidates …

Religion and violence: the university response

In July 2016, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called on his counterterrorism advisers to investigate the mental state of potential ‘lone-wolf’ terrorists. Two months later, Ihsas Khan was charged with a terrorism offence for the allegedly …

A shifting Asian nuclear order

A Special Report (PDF) released by ASPI today examines the shifting Asian nuclear order by exploring four case studies—the US–China relationship, the South Asian nuclear dynamic, the North Korean nuclear program and the challenges confronting US extended …

East Asia 2036

Earlier this year PwC reported it had identified ‘the equivalent of US$250 billion in projects… [which have] been built already, recently started construction or have been agreed on and signed’ related to China’s One Belt …

A changing climate for land forces

Janette Lindesay, Professor of Climatology at the ANU, and the CSIRO’s Mark Howden have pointed out that 2015 was the hottest year on record since modern record-keeping began in 1880. Lindesey and Howden note that: …

Obama’s chance for Middle East peace

Next year marks the centennial of the Balfour Declaration, the British statement that paved the way for Israel’s founding in 1948, and for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as the larger …

ASPI suggests

15 years since 9/11 and stories from the days, months and years that followed continue to leach out into the world. One of the most remarkable to emerge this week was POLITICO Magazine’s oral history …