Daesh or Islamic State—what’s in a name?

There are strong indications that Daesh is on the back foot in Iraq and Syria and its focus is increasingly on fanning the flames of sectarian violence amongst a diaspora in other countries, including Australia. …

Army—getting ready to pounce?

The Australian Army did pretty well post-INTERFET, gaining two extra battalions and some new tanks and artillery. But today the Army has pretty much taken a back seat to Air Force and Navy in the …

National security wrap

The Beat Pre-crime stoppers Technology consulting group Upturn last month released a report examining the use of predictive policing in the US and its ramifications. (Predictive policing utilises sophisticated computer algorithms to interpret crime data …

Erdogan’s tragic choice

Ever since Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won his first general election in late 2002, he’s been obsessed with the idea that power would be wrested from him through a coup. He had good reason …

China coming between old friends

‘President Putin… hailed the role of Vietnam in Southeast Asia and confirmed that Vietnam is one of the external priorities of Russia in the Asian-Pacific region… Russia also supports ASEAN and China to jointly build …

Cyber wrap

Following the high profile infiltration of the DNC’s email servers earlier in this year, the FBI’s now working to allay concerns that vote counting machines could be next on the hit-list of would-be saboteurs. FBI …

An upgrade for the Air Warfare Destroyer—already?

Analysing Australian defence expenditures is like a game of Battleship. Occasionally you’ll score a hit, but attempting to understand a given acquisition often results in an ineffectual splash. A big part of the problem is …

China’s dam problem with Myanmar

China is a big fan of dams. Indeed, over the last 50 years, the country has constructed more dams than all other countries combined. But there’s one dam that China never managed to get built: …

Terrorism hijacks France’s presidential election

France’s presidential campaign is heating up, with terrorism constituting one of the key debate topics. In the past 18 months, four terrorist attacks have targeted French territories, from Paris to the small suburban city of …

Aussie diggers: building partner capacity

For well over a century Australian soldiers have been deploying offshore on combat operations. It could be argued, though, that some of the Army’s most valuable and enduring contributions in conflict have been building local …

Trump’s emotional intelligence deficit

Last month, 50 former national security officials who had served at high levels in Republican administrations from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush published a letter saying they wouldn’t vote for their party’s presidential nominee, …

ASPI suggests

On the back of Gary Johnson’s ‘What is Aleppo?’ gaffe overnight, The Atlantic have gathered a harrowing set of photos to show us all exactly what Aleppo is. Commentators have put their hands up to …