ASPI suggests

On the back of Gary Johnson’s ‘What is Aleppo?’ gaffe overnight, The Atlantic have gathered a harrowing set of photos to show us all exactly what Aleppo is. Commentators have put their hands up to …

How to overhaul the dismal trade of strategy

There’s no shortage of dark, pessimistic visions out there, including a revisionist Russia, an assertive China, the end of globalisation, a declining America and an endless war on terrorism. A strategist might tell you that …

It’s time for a transformational foreign policy

Australia needs a forward-looking foreign policy to guide the efforts of our hardworking diplomats. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s intention, as reported recently, to commission a Foreign Policy White Paper is timely. As Graeme Dobell’s post …

National security wrap

The Beat The net closes on Panama Papers suspects Tax evading high net wealth Australians will be sweating on ATO investigations into Australians allegedly identified in the Panama Papers. The ATO advises that criminal charges …

America’s unruly anti-ISIS allies

Soon after Turkey officially entered the fray in Syria last month, some 350 Turkish troops marched alongside more than 1,000 US-equipped Syrian rebel forces to clear the Islamic State (ISIS) out of the Syrian city …

Cyber wrap

There were some high-powered bilateral discussions about cyber incidents this week, with Barack Obama meeting Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 in China. Following the Putin meet, Obama sought to …

The Islamic State’s European strategy

Terrorist attacks by Islamic State (ISIS) affiliates and sympathisers over the past year have raised alarms in Europe, but they’ve not yet reached the frequency Europe experienced in the 1970s, according to the Global Terrorism Database. However, …

Adding value to defence supply, one layer at a time

Emerging technologies often prompt fanciful and erroneous predictions, such as personal jetpacks, flying cars and even houses made of plastic. Nevertheless it’s difficult to understate the transformative impact that additive manufacturing—where a digital design file …

Will the US Congress finally act on Zika?

Lawmakers return to Washington, D.C. today for an abbreviated session before the Presidential election. While Congress will seek to maintain the status quo over the one-month sitting, funding the Zika response must be at the …

France reassures its partners after DCNS leak

While the DCNS leak crisis shouldn’t deeply harm France’s relations with India and Australia, it has already had consequences. In particular, recent reporting that India might not go ahead with a follow-on buy of Scorpenes …

Playing defence in Europe

The most frightening periods in history have often been interregnums—moments between the death of one king and the rise of the next. Disorder, war, and even disease can flood into the vacuum when, as Antonio …

How to stop terrorism in Europe

Europe is under pressure. Integrating asylum-seekers and other migrants—1.1 million in Germany alone in 2015—into European society poses a major challenge, one that has been complicated by a spike in crimes committed by new arrivals. …