UK Type 26 frigate: a cruiser by any other name?

Are modern-day frigates really cruisers, or is it just that the present-day needs of a frigate require the 6,000-plus tonnage of an old-fashioned cruiser? Alastair Cooper exchanged a polite broadside with ASPI’s Andrew Davies on …

UCAS and the RAAF’s future   

A common refrain when discussing the future of airpower is that ‘the F-35 is the last manned fighter’ and the future belongs to unmanned systems. The expanding use of unmanned air systems (UAS) such as …

Globalization and its new discontents

Fifteen years ago, I wrote a little book, entitled Globalization and its Discontents, describing growing opposition in the developing world to globalizing reforms. It seemed a mystery: people in developing countries had been told that …

Oz strategists: Robert O’Neill

Some big strategic brains fit the proof about why journalists shouldn’t run things—merely watch five of ‘em decide where to lunch. Robert O’Neill shatters that proof. Here’s a big strategic brain that can think and …

ASPI suggests

It was a good week for women in Japan, with the country’s first female Defence Minister (2007), Yuriko Koike, breaking through another glass ceiling to become the first female governor of Tokyo—despite sharp opposition from …

The Strategist Six: C. Raja Mohan

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. Since Narendra Modi became the prime …

In Memoriam: Jeffrey Guy Grey 1959–2016

The sudden death of Professor Jeffrey Grey of the University of New South Wales, Canberra—the academic component of the Australian Defence Force Academy—at the age of 57 has profoundly shocked not only the relatively small …

The ephemeral offset strategy

As a long term critic of the ‘silver bullet’ approach to military capability development, Gareth Robinson’s recent piece on the Third Offset Strategy got me thinking. Given the wealth of technical capability and capacity within …

Cyber wrap

President Obama released a new Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) on US Cyber Incident Coordination last week. The document laid out who’s in charge during ‘significant cyber incidents’ targeting the US, with significant incidents rated at …

The Trumping of US foreign policy

The United States’ presidential campaign, already long and tumultuous, will no doubt become even more so in the coming months, as the two parties’ nominees, now officially selected, face off ahead of November’s election. But …

Quantum computing is getting closer

Electronic computer technology has moved from valves to transistors to progressively more complex integrated circuits and processor designs, with each change bringing higher levels of performance. Now the advent of quantum computers promises a huge …