Australia’s puerile politics on the global stage

For students of incomprehensible behavior by otherwise apparently intelligent leaders, Australian politics is the gift that keeps on giving. The latest example is the decision by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s government, just re-elected by a …

Giving China a ladder to climb down

The 12 July judgment by the Hague-based Arbitral Tribunal on the South China Sea constituted a near-total defeat for China. While it was widely expected that the Philippines would win, it wasn’t expected that China …

Erdoganism (or why Turkey is leaving the West)

It’s hard to avoid the common narrative surrounding key individuals in Turkish politics. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the charismatic strong man using political Islam as a tool to facilitate a shift to authoritarianism, while Fetullah …

ASPI suggests

Hillary Rodham Clinton today delivered her speech to close the 2016 Democratic National Convention, and in doing so made history (herstory?) as the first woman to officially clinch a major party’s nomination for President of …

Trump the traitor

If Donald Trump were to become President, the United States would have a problem with many dimensions. So would the world. To begin with, the problem would be his unfathomable vulgarity. America has seen many …

Beware an unhappy dragon

Many commentators and readers of The Economist keenly await their weekly dose of KAL. The 16 July 2016 cartoon didn’t disappoint. A claimant hoists the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s South China Sea ruling aloft while …

Boris Johnson the counter-revolutionary

If history repeats itself—first tragedy, then farce—what comes next is Boris Johnson, a shape-shifting politician who embodies the contradictions of our age. Johnson is a tribune of the people who grew up with the privileges …

Cyber wrap

Some 20,000 emails attained through last month’s Democratic National Committee network breach have now been shared with the world, thanks to Wikileaks. Those emails join the DNC’s opposition research file on Trump and detailed donor …

Civil society against terrorism

After the terror attacks in Paris last November—a carefully coordinated series of assaults carried out by multiple attackers, resulting in 130 deaths—there was intense pain and fear, but also a spirit of unity and resilience. …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State A new report (PDF) from CSIS has warned that Russian submarine activity in the Baltic and Mediterranean seas and the North Atlantic are at their highest levels since the end of the Cold …

Fear and caution in Hanoi

The Permanent Court of Arbitration’s Arbitral Tribunal ruling against China in the South China Sea is no boon for Hanoi, at least so far. This has been an interesting year for those of us who …