Little England and not-so-Great Britain

As an Anglo-Dutchman—British mother, Dutch father—I cannot help but take Brexit rather personally. I’m not a wholehearted Euro-enthusiast, but a European Union without Britain feels like losing a limb in a terrible accident. Not all …

Remembering the Battle of the Somme

The recent commemoration ceremonies in Britain and France on 1 July marked the 100th anniversary of the worst military disaster in British history. On that day in 1916, a large force of 13 British divisions …

Reawakening Europe

The decision by the United Kingdom’s voters to ‘Brexit’ the European Union is not an example of the British black humor that I love. It’s not ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus,’ ‘Yes, Prime Minister,’ or ‘Fawlty …

America’s second chance with India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Washington, DC, in June garnered little public attention outside of India. Yet diplomats and military professionals in Asia and beyond were certainly watching closely. For good reason: the …

China: economy-world versus security-world

If China’s future course is the vital question, the answers in economy-world are different to those in security-world. The versions of China offered in the two worlds clash in nature, form and quality. In security-world, …

ASPI suggests

The column inches on Brexit were quickly racked up this week by those enraged or enamoured with the result, so here’s just a taste. Late night TV superstar John Oliver was excoriating in his analysis …

The rise of democracy in Europe

The shock of the British vote to leave the European Union has yet to sink in. Yet European leaders must steel themselves for what’s to come. In fact, Brexit might be the initial tremor that …

The USAF’s new bomber: the mini-me B-2?

Last year I wrote a series for The Strategist on the USAF’s new bomber program. (Parts one, two and three.) I was sceptical of the possibility of producing a state-of-the-art long range bomber for anything …

The Strategist Six: Kurt Campbell

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. What are the major challenges facing …

Brexit’s lesson for Asia’s democracies

The United Kingdom, in voting to divorce the European Union, is steering the West into uncharted territory. Will the EU now unravel, as other populists and nationalists demand plebiscites on their respective countries’ membership? Will …

The Natuna Islands matter

In case anyone thinks that Indonesia’s somewhat diffident assertion of its fishing rights in the waters around the Natuna Islands in the South China Sea is just the usual squabble between fishermen from neighbouring countries, …

Cyber wrap

According to a recent survey by Tech London Advocates, London’s tech experts and cyber security professionals are ‘overwhelmingly opposed’ to the UK’s recent decision to leave the EU. Mainland Europe represents an  essential source of …

Ocean observations and trilateral cooperation

On Monday I spoke at a conference sponsored by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, ANU’s Strategic & Defence Studies Centre and the JMSDF Command and Staff College on 21st Century Trilateral Maritime Cooperation. The conference …