Amiable defence debate meets China

The defence discussion in the Australia election is calm and agreeable in tone—except for China. The Turnbull government doesn’t want to push too hard on the South China Sea, while the Labor opposition is more …

National cyber budgets: same, same but different

The latest report from UNSW’s Australian Centre for Cyber Security (ACCS), ‘Australia’s Response to Advanced Technology Threats,’  claims that Australia doesn’t take cyber threats seriously enough. The report argues that the differences between Australian cyber …

Brexit: crying wolf isn’t working

Over the past fortnight, the dawning realisation that Brexit could actually happen has sent the British establishment groping for the campaign panic button. Until now, the Remain side has sat comfortably on the sorts of …

A New Zealand wolf in sheep’s clothing

It’s funny how the same document can be perceived so differently. In his demolition job on New Zealand’s latest Defence White Paper, Peter Jennings sees Wellington plumbing ‘new depths of vacuity’ in its ‘desperation to …

A new normal: individual jihad and the West

The terrorist attack at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12 represents the recent shift in terrorist modus operandi within Western jurisdictions. Preliminary details indicate that the attack was undertaken by an individual without …

Obama’s bitter Afghan legacy

Nearly 15 years after its launch, the United States’ war in Afghanistan is still raging, making it the longest war in American history. Nowadays, the war is barely on the world’s radar, with only dramatic …

Cyber wrap

Cybersecurity made an appearance in the eighth round of the US–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue which took place in Beijing last week, chaired by State Councillor Yang Jiechi and Secretary of State John Kerry. Both …

Indonesia’s 2015 Defence White Paper

Indonesia’s latest Defence White Paper was issued in November last year and was publically released on 31 May. It supersedes the 2008 White Paper. Although a replacement paper was produced in the dying days of …

SEA 1000: why the French won

After all of the fanfare and chest beating on 26 April about how 12 submarines will be built in Adelaide: silence. By all appearances—or rather the lack of them—it seems that the Department of Defence …

Trump’s alliance doctrine: we won’t pay

The threats to Asia’s future peace of mind: China versus the US, the South China Sea, North Korea—and then there’s Trump. The Donald is a powerful reminder of the fundamental duality in Asia’s responses to …

Happy birthday, QEII

Along with most of Australia, The Strategist team is today enjoying the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. We’ll be back on the airwaves tomorrow, but until then you can catch up with Dione Hodgson’s analysis of the rebalance …

ASPI suggests

With Donald Trump holding a few too many cards for comfort, The Washington Post is playing its ‘Obama nostalgia’ hand with a ‘virtual museum’ of the 44th Presidency. The masthead has released two ‘rooms’ so …

Confronting the global threat to democracy

Across the world, populists are attracting votes with their promises to protect ordinary people from the harsh realities of globalisation. The democratic establishment, they assert, cannot be trusted to fulfill this purpose, as it is …