The return of the Jordanian option

France’s initiative to hold an international conference to re-launch direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians, aimed at the ever elusive “two-state solution,” is the child of a resilient fantasy. But after decades of failed negotiations, …

Do we want powerful leaders?

A trend toward greater authoritarianism seems to be spreading worldwide. Vladimir Putin has successfully used nationalism to tighten his control over Russia and seems to enjoy great popularity. Xi Jinping is regarded as China’s most …

China rumbles in the South China Sea

China came to the Shangri-La Dialogue to both romance and rumble. The language of regional romance jars mightily with the grouchy belligerence over the South China Sea. The rich suitor came wooing with honey words, …

Building sovereign industrial capability for Defence

The unprecedented focus on Australia’s defence industry during the current federal election campaign has highlighted the role the industry can play in developing sovereign capability and industrial self-reliance in key areas of defence procurement. In …

All about China, all the time

When Australia discusses China without mentioning China directly, it talks of the need for a ‘rules-based’ order. In the Defence White Paper which Canberra issued in February, ‘rules’ is used 64 times—48 of these in …

ASPI suggests

Hillary Clinton delivered her major foreign policy and national security address on Thursday, and the shade she threw at presumptive Republican nominee Trump’s foreign policy plans received more attention than her own. Vox dives into …

Asia does jaw-jaw

Asia long ago took to heart Churchill’s admonition that it’s better to jaw-jaw than war-war. A lot of talking goes on around here. And the jaw-jaw intensity has risen as Asia confronts a long slope …

ANZUS in Trumpland

‘Alternative Futures’ is a methodology sometimes used in strategic planning, in which the robustness of current plans is tested against various hypothetical futures. (The RAND Corporation sometimes uses this approach—they used it to test US …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 5)

The media philosophy offered in this series is the belief that in the Media Age the more you give the more you make. The continuous flow of honest news—good and bad—from the Australian Defence Force …

Agenda for Change 2016: come on over, y’all

This piece is drawn from ASPI’s forthcoming publication, Agenda for Change 2016: strategic choices for the next government. Australia’s defence strategy is a topic much loved by academics, and there’s a rich literature about its various …

The Donald Trump of North Korea

By all accounts, the much-anticipated Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea was a non-event. If the first such meeting of North Korea’s highest organ in more than 35 years had any impact at …

Cyber wrap

IT Security firm Symantec believes it has tied recent high-profile attacks against Asian banks using the SWIFT network to a North Korean group. Symantec has linked a piece of malware used in the attacks with …