Letter from Washington: America’s Saudi dilemma

Washington has a serious long-term relationship dilemma with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And President Obama’s April visit to Saudi Arabia—the fourth one as president—was all about trying to shore up that relationship. Notwithstanding the …

Mr Obama goes to Hiroshima

The White House announced last week that President Obama would visit Hiroshima later this month, making him the first US president to do so. He won’t be apologising for the US’s dropping of the atomic …

Cyber wrap

In an interesting turn of events, it appears that the 2014 Sony hack, February’s Bangladeshi bank heist and the attempted breach of a Vietnamese bank last year may all be linked. Vietnam’s Tien Phong Bank …

National security leaking and the Farrell case

The other week, ASPI’s Cesar Alvarez and Simon Norton published a cogent argument for the greater protection of Australia’s private and public sector whistle-blowers. With startling statistics, Cesar and Simon highlight that: ‘…of the 80% …

Defence confronts the Media Age (part 1)

‘Electric circuitry has overthrown the regime of “time” and “space” and pours upon us instantly and continuously the concerns of all other men.’         Marshall McLuhan, 1967. ‘The traditional factors of production …

ASPI suggests

The Associated Press has launched a strong interactive site, Ramadi in Ruins, which allows visitors to chart the devastation of the Iraqi city after it was captured by the Islamic State in May 2015 before being …

National security wrap

The Beat Report: Australia’s advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade released its final report  to conclude the inquiry into Australia’s advocacy for the …