National security wrap

The Beat Report: Australia’s advocacy for the abolition of the death penalty The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade released its final report  to conclude the inquiry into Australia’s advocacy for the …

Cyber wrap

The Pakistani Foreign Office has reached out to the nation’s largest intel body, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), for assistance to boost its internal IT security. Government ministries in Pakistan are no strangers to targeted online campaigns …

How Trump would weaken America

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive US presidential nominee, has expressed deep scepticism about the value of America’s alliances. His is a very nineteenth-century view of the world. Back then, the United States followed George …

Air Power 2020: Raptor redux?

The Australian defence community has been rightly focused this past fortnight on the Turnbull Government’s announcement of the winner—France’s DCNS—of the Competitive Evaluation Process (CEP) to secure the contract for building Australia’s future submarine. But …

Australia, concentric circles and strategic priorities

The issue of setting strategic priorities is one that’s dogged Australian defence white papers since their inception in the mid-1970s. History, culture, strategic commitments and global power balances pull Australian priorities outwards. British settlement of …

Capacity building of allied forces

Counterinsurgency is one of the principal modes of conflict of our time. The component of counterinsurgency operations which remains neglected is the capacity building of allied forces—a subject that is rightfully the subject of a …

ASPI suggests

We’ve not heard a great deal from senior figures in Tokyo’s political establishment about Australia’s decision to partner with France for the SEA 1000 project. That all changed this week when CSIS’s Japan Chair Michael …

The making of Euro-jihadism

The Belgian historian Henri Pirenne linked Europe’s birth as a Christian continent in the eighth century to its rupture with Islam. Pirenne probably would never have expected a Muslim ghetto in Brussels to emerge, much …

Healthcare preparedness for terror and disaster

 It’s now commonplace for terrorists to use industrially available chemical explosives like ammonium nitrate or everyday technology like mobile phones to detonate improvised explosive devices. In a recent op-ed in The Australian with my colleague …