The Strategist Six: Kim Beazley

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. You’ve recently returned from six …

Australia’s Future Submarine: the great battery debate

Unlike nearly all northern hemisphere diesel-electric submarines, the Swedish-designed Collins class is intended to meet a unique operational requirement—to routinely conduct long and distant patrols. This presents many engineering challenges not faced by other navies. …

Turkey or the Kurds? For the US, it’s a no-brainer

What’s more important: your relationship with Turkey—your NATO ally—or the potential to make significant inroads against Daesh in Syria? That’s the question Ankara is asking the Obama administration following a spate of deadly terrorist attacks …

Cyber wrap

The recent string of ransomware incidents targeting health records held by hospitals has demonstrated the vulnerability and appeal of healthcare organisations to cybercriminals. The trend is reflected in a data security incident report from American …

Russia’s Middle East success

After years on the sidelines, Russia is back at the center of the Middle East geostrategic game. Against the background of an equivocal United States policy, Russia’s calculated intervention in the Syrian civil war is …

Brexit and the balance of power

Britain joined what became the European Union in 1973. This year, on 23 June, it will hold a referendum on whether to leave. Should it? Current polls show a closely divided electorate. Prime Minister David …

Why the Japanese proposal is low risk (part 2)

Editor’s note: The Strategist has invited all three SEA 1000 contenders to explain their approach to meeting Australia’s future submarine requirement. The first post in this two-part series explored several key questions pertaining to Japan’s …

Why the Japanese proposal is low risk (part 1)

Editor’s note: The Strategist has invited all three SEA 1000 contenders to explain their approach to meeting Australia’s future submarine requirement. At the end of November last year, Japan submitted to the Australian government its …

The 2016 Defence White Paper: politics meets strategy

Canberra is where strategy and politics meet. Always to confer; occasionally to collide. Ever seeking conclusion—ever settling for compromise. In the politics and strategy games, cooperation and clash are constant companions. And Canberra is where …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another week, this time as ASPI wraps up what has been an action-packed and star-studded program at our Defence White Paper conference. If you haven’t been streaming online or following the conversation …

Designing the Shortfin Barracuda Block 1A

Editor’s note: The Strategist has invited all three SEA 1000 contenders to explain their approach to meeting Australia’s future submarine requirement. A common misunderstanding about the conventionally powered Shortfin Barracuda Block 1A is that is …