A new energy pact for Africa

Many people associate technologies like solar and wind power with efforts to tackle climate change. But for the world’s most vulnerable populations, they are much more than a clean-energy solution. By creating jobs, improving health …

The disturbing evolution of China’s foreign policy

The international community has recently been rocked by the Hong Kong government’s chilling decision to place bounties on eight exiled activists, two of whom are currently residing in Australia. This show of transnational repression, a …

The threat spectrum

Planet A The European Commission has adopted a joint communication setting out a framework to address ‘the growing impact of climate change and environmental degradation in the fields of peace, security, and defence’. It builds …

The lessons of New Zealand’s China diplomacy

It wasn’t that long ago that Australian and New Zealand prime ministers were falling over themselves to run trade missions to the People’s Republic of China. Both governments lobbied hard for and secured early free-trade …

Why Ukraine needs cluster munitions

US President Joe Biden’s decision to supply Ukraine with cluster munitions has drawn criticism from a strange collection of folk—some members of Congress, groups such as Human Rights Watch, a number of countries including fellow …

Ascending the Vilnius summit

The NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, promises to be anything but business as usual for the simple reason that it will be taking place against the backdrop of a European war that has been raging …

Australia’s message for NATO

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese heads to Vilnius for this week’s NATO summit needing to deliver the clear messages that Australia continues to be a serious supporter of Ukraine, that it remains of free will when …

Winning the 21st-century intelligence contest

The conduct of intelligence activities is inherently a strategic dynamic between rival actors simultaneously playing offence and defence. Analogies with war, sporting contests and competition abound. Action and reaction. Denial and deception. Or, in its …

The US and India’s non-aligned alliance

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is riding high. His triumphant visit to Washington in June, which featured a state dinner at the White House and a rare second address to a joint session of Congress, …