Building back better

Australian infrastructure, along with the threat of natural or manmade disasters, is particularly complex, making infrastructure failures inevitable. That’s why I read with interest Paul Barnes’ post on improving the disaster resilience of critical infrastructure in …

The devil is in the details

Douglas Fry’s recent Strategist contribution, ‘Australian police require proactive approach to shooter threat’, illustrates the challenge of covering complex issues in 800 words. I applaud Douglas for strongly supporting the introduction of active shooting training …

The North Korean nuclear test

Pyongyang conducted its fourth nuclear test on 6 January. Technically, we know comparatively little about the device that it tested. In terms of seismic signature the blast seems to have been from a bomb about …

The 7th annual Madeleine awards

‘Monetary policy is 98 per cent talk and 2 per cent action.’ – Ben Bernanke So even central banking—that combination of the dismal science and monetary madness—is virtually voodoo, driven most of the time by smoke …

Happy holidays, Strategist readers!

Thanks for joining us for a big 2015! The editorial team would like to thank all of the readers who’ve helped establish our blog as an informed source of opinion and analysis on defence and …

Don’t be complacent about China!

When I first moved from China to Australia in 2011 I was surprised to hear rumblings about the perils of Australian complacency in the face of rapid changes taking place across the Indo–Pacific. Australia’s destiny …

Cyber wrap

China hosted the second World Internet Conference (WIC) in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province this week with President Xi Jinping delivering a keynote address at the opening ceremony. He called for international respect of ‘cyber sovereignty’, which …

What happened to HMAS AE1?

Political controversy, design issues and a logistics foul up, including a failure to allocate the resources to sustain the capability—there are some strikingly familiar themes in the acquisition of Australia’s first submarines, two 700-tonne E-class …

Arthur Tange, the CIA and the Dismissal

This year saw the 40th anniversary of the dismissal of the Whitlam government on 11 November 1975 by the governor-general, Sir John Kerr. It also marks the 40th anniversary of an enduring conspiracy theory—that Kerr’s …