What Australia and Poland can learn from one another

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to impact global security, challenging standard principles of defence planning and national strategy. Middle powers, whether they be close to the aggression, like Poland, or far from it, like …

Can TikTok alone tackle CCP-linked information ops?

In a welcome development last year, TikTok announced that it would start publishing insights about the covert influence operations it identifies and removes from its platform globally in its quarterly community guidelines enforcement reports. Since …

Reality is catching up with South Africa

Time can be cruel. Infatuations and honeymoons must reach their end. Emotions subside, our better selves fall, exhausted, by the wayside, and deeper character traits will out. A truly democratic South Africa, a ‘rainbow nation’, …

Food is fundamental to Australia’s security

Resilience, the economy and national security are a live discussion across Australia. People can feel change in their bones, from the climate to mortgage repayments—even Australia’s place in the world. These discussions are happening on …

Disruption, deterrence and dollars

‘Strategy without money is just hot air.’ — Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Richard Marles speaking at ASPI’s 2023 conference, 14 September, Canberra At ASPI’s national conference, the deputy PM and defence minister was …

Keeping Taiwan connected

Internet connectivity is a lifeline—albeit a fragile one—for Taiwan. A recent war game staged in Taipei with experts from the military, tech industries, academia and government suggested that, in the event of a Chinese blockade, …