Landbridge and the port of Darwin: a postscript

My Strategist post on Monday has stimulated considerable interest from readers in respect of the claimed People’s Liberation Army (PLA) connections with Landbridge. To provide further information and allow people to make their own assessments of the connections, …

Cyber wrap

News this week that companies bidding to build Australia’s next generation of submarines could be targets of Russian and Chinese hackers hasn’t surprised anyone. But it remains to be seen if Defence will adopt the …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State Last week the destroyer USS Donald Cook visited Turkey’s Aksaz naval base on Turkey’s southwest coast for joint Turkey–US exercises. Elements of the Turkish naval force present included submarines, surface and air defence …

Landbridge, Darwin and the PRC

Peter Jennings’ ‘Darwin: storm in a port’ has brought to broader attention the apparent nonchalance with which the lease of the port of Darwin by Chinese firm Landbridge  has been treated by many parts of …

Iraq lessons: the Howard fib

John Howard’s decision to go to war in Iraq was constructed on a fib. The fib was used repeatedly throughout 2002 and almost to the very start of the invasion in 2003. The fib was …

ASPI suggests

Update: ICYMI Henry Kissinger penned a WSJ op-ed back in mid-October entitled, ‘A path out of the Middle East collapse’. Headlining the first Suggests for November is an Intelligence Squared debate on the topic ‘Containment …

Darwin: storm in a port

Evidence presented to Senate Estimates hearings on 21 October over the 99-year lease of the Port of Darwin to a Chinese company shines new light on the elements of the decision. The issue points to …

Australia and the enrichment option

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has recently shown a more open-minded approach to Australia’s nuclear future. In a radio interview in South Australia in late October he speculated on the possibility of a nuclear industry in …

The Beat, CT Scan and Checkpoint

The Beat Australian–Chinese taskforce policing ice The Australian Federal Police and the Chinese National Narcotics Control Commission have launched a new initiative to counter the trafficking of illicit drugs. Joint Taskforce Blaze, which will be …

Putin the Chekist: a sacred calling

Vladimir Putin once said that he knew where Australia was but never thought about it. Australian leaders too have seldom had reason to think about post-Soviet Russia—until recently. But as Russia has become more ‘assertive’ …

Cyber wrap

Last week, the US Senate approved the CISA or Cyber Security Information Sharing Act. Among the bill’s main provisions is a proposal to expand liability protections to companies that voluntarily share threat information with the …