Oz–India: this time it’s different

  Worry about the sharemarket when cabbies offer hot buying tips. Quit the market when brokers claim: ‘this boom is different!’ The claim history has been defeated—‘This time it’s different!’—is ever an alarm. With that …

ASPI suggests

The red carpet was rolled out in Washington DC this week as some A-list visitors hit the town. On Thursday, Pope Francis became the first pontiff to address US Congress—full text and video here. In …

Has Russia violated the INF treaty?

Since 2013, when rumours first began to circulate in the US mainstream media that Russia might have violated the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, analysts have been trying to clarify the nature of the breach …

The SEA 1000 contenders: the French (part 3)

It’s often said that in terms of range, what Australia is looking for in replacing the Collins-class is a nuclear submarine, but with conventional propulsion. If this assessment were taken too literally it would favor …

Beijing’s anti-corruption drive: what’s at stake? (part 1)

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) anti-corruption drive is of staggering scale, reach and audacity. From the powerful ‘tigers’ to the low-ranking ‘flies’, the anti-corruption policy of Xi Jinping’s leadership has targeted and frightened multiple segments …

War at sea 1914-15: The virtual unreality (Part 2)

Command and control were key naval unknowns in August 1914. What hadn’t been properly appreciated in set-piece, largely visually conducted exercises before the war were the problems with radio. The full conceptual and practical difficulties …

Cyber wrap

China and the US have stolen the show this week with their negotiations of what may become the world’s first major arms control agreement for cyberspace. Bilateral discussions focus on establishing a no first use …

Australia’s WGS communications—what went wrong?

When I was surveying the communications capability of the ADF back in 2010, I made the following observation: ‘Australian users now have access to the US-built Wideband Global Satellite (WGS) system. This ‘off-the-shelf’ purchase provides …

The Allegiance to Australia Bill: not a fix-all

Two weeks ago, the Parliamentary Joint Committee of Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) delivered its much anticipated report on the controversial proposal to strip Australian citizenship from dual nationals involved in terrorism. The PJCIS has done …

Australia and Africa: opportunities beyond aid

Forty years ago Australia decided to engage China. We should now embark on a similar path of engagement with Africa. Africa is on a growth trajectory that’s enabled it to become the world’s fastest-growing continent. …

Jet fighter costs—a complex problem

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will be the most technically advanced fighter jet in the world—and one of the most expensive. If we want to be sure we’re getting our money’s worth, it’s important to …