Australia’s WGS communications—what went wrong?

When I was surveying the communications capability of the ADF back in 2010, I made the following observation: ‘Australian users now have access to the US-built Wideband Global Satellite (WGS) system. This ‘off-the-shelf’ purchase provides …

The Allegiance to Australia Bill: not a fix-all

Two weeks ago, the Parliamentary Joint Committee of Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) delivered its much anticipated report on the controversial proposal to strip Australian citizenship from dual nationals involved in terrorism. The PJCIS has done …

Australia and Africa: opportunities beyond aid

Forty years ago Australia decided to engage China. We should now embark on a similar path of engagement with Africa. Africa is on a growth trajectory that’s enabled it to become the world’s fastest-growing continent. …

Jet fighter costs—a complex problem

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will be the most technically advanced fighter jet in the world—and one of the most expensive. If we want to be sure we’re getting our money’s worth, it’s important to …

Sharks, crocs and Oz politicians

Australian has lots of nasty fauna. Crocodiles. Sharks. Spiders. Then there’s that dangerous, unpredictable species—the Oz politician, a breed that catches and kills its own, frequently and ferociously. Tony Abbott’s demise has prompted angst about …

The incoming Minister—a brief brief

It has been less than two years since The Strategist provided a new Defence Minister with an incoming brief, but it’s already time to update that for the new incumbent. And that reflects an unhealthy …

ASPI suggests

Wednesday brought confirmation that the RAAF had carried out its first successful airstrikes in eastern Syria. While it was only mid-last week that Tony Abbott announced the expansion of Australia’s operations in the Middle East, …

Is China ready to resume its imperial glory?

Since assuming the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership in November 2012, Chinese president Xi Jinping’s great ambitions have become well known. Domestically, he’s advanced the grand goal of what he calls the China Dream: ‘the …

Another lap of the Quad

Recent comments made by Australian Defence Minister Kevin Andrews regarding the possibility of four nation naval exercises involving Australia, India, Japan and the United States suggest that there might be some interest in Canberra in …

Cyber wrap

News that Malcolm Turnbull became Australia’s 29th Prime Minister this week was met with excitement from Australia’s ICT industry. Turnbull, who was an early investor in Australian ISP OzEmail and several other internet businesses has …

The US and assurance anxieties in Asia

The US ‘rebalance’ to the Asia–Pacific has been under way since late 2011. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in October 2011 of a ‘strategic turn to the region…to secure and sustain America’s global …