Islamic State: hacking, rhetoric and responses

A fortnight ago, a group purporting to be the Islamic State Hacking Division released the names, email addresses, passwords and telephone numbers of almost 1,500 individuals, the majority of whom are reportedly US Defence personnel. …

In defence of surface ships

Recent analysis (PDF) and commentary by ASPI (echoed elsewhere) has questioned the wisdom of the Government’s intent for a new fleet of surface ships. These concerns boil down to the presumed vulnerability of such vessels …

Cyber wrap

The US Department of Commerce announced last week that it’s extended its Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) contract with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers until 30 September 2016. While originally scheduled for …

The sound of one hand clapping

Surprise, surprise! The US has asked Australia to bomb ISIS targets in Syria. The Australian government is to give this request deep reflection and consideration, and will respond in a couple of weeks. And surprise, …

The SEA 1000 contenders: the Japanese (part 1)

If Australia is to choose the Japanese contender for their future submarine then it should be because it’s the best fit for our ongoing strategic requirements, fully meets project criteria, and is the most economically …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State Australia’s second Canberra-class Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), HMAS Adelaide, is currently undergoing its final sea trials with a crew of BAE Systems employees and RAN personnel. Additionally, HMAS Canberra, the first of the …

Towards a more robust ANZUS alliance

It’s important to consider steps to make the ANZUS alliance more robust to weather the challenges brought about by the rise of China. Our contributions to US-led operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan weren’t …

Singapore and Oz: mismatched mates

Singapore and Australia have nothing in common but share much. No similarities, yet multiple places where interests and attitudes touch or chime. Geographically, they are mismatched mates: the nation with a continent to itself shares …

ASPI suggests

Meet the first women to pass the US Army’s gruelling Ranger School: Captain Kristen Griest and 1st Lieutenant Shaye Haver. Later today, they’ll receive the covetted black and yellow Ranger Tab with 94 male colleagues who …

Who’s behind the Bangkok bombings?

Almost a week after a powerful explosive device packed with ball bearings ripped through a throng of tourists and commuters at Bangkok’s famous Erawan Shrine killing twenty people, there’s still no clear idea of who …