The return of the deterrence problem

With nuclear modernisation programs under way across a range of countries, Russia asserting its right to deploy nuclear weapons in the Crimea, NATO reviewing the role of nuclear weapons in the alliance, and a recent …

Cyber wrap

Last week saw the conclusion of a series of high-level meetings in Washington between US and Chinese government officials as a part of the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). There were a couple of …

Australia and Indonesia: time for a rethink?

The secret of success is constancy to purpose—at least that was Disraeli’s view. It is a pity that recent prime ministers and foreign ministers, Liberal and Labor alike, have failed to see ‘constancy to purpose’ …

Australia’s Caliphettes

Below is an extract from ASPI’s publication Gen Y jihadists: preventing radicalisation in Australia, launched yesterday. In 2014, the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium estimated that as many as 15% of ISIL’s foreign recruits could …

The grinding geopolitics of a Grexit

Greece’s economic woes feature daily on the British broadsheets. The high drama negotiations between Greece and Europe have evoked a narrative akin to that of David and Goliath. Yet as Europe’s politicians attempt to balance …

Has the Ice Task Force found a solution yet?

Earlier this year, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the creation of a National Task Force to tackle the so-called ice epidemic Australia faces. We’re nearly half-way through 2015 and for Commissioner Ken Lay and his …

The Australian Border Force: our newest security agency

Tomorrow Australia will have a new national security agency: the Australian Border Force. The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service will be merged into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). The ABF will be …

Sea, air and land update

Sea State Despite recent diplomatic tensions, two Indonesian navy vessels have docked in Darwin for annual Australian–Indonesian joint maritime exercises. Also known as AUSINDO CORPAT, the drills are designed to improve coordinated maritime security between …

Keep on truckin’

Having to resist the urge to take a cheap shot is an occupational hazard in my business, and one that I don’t always successfully avoid. Once such was the title I gave to a review …

Army: slouch hat plus jointery

The Australian Army has to do more than fight. It must carry a legend and serve the slouch hat mystique. The mythology’s a century old and is as much a part of the Army as …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back, readers! ASPI has just wrapped up its Army Future Force Structure Options Conference 2015. Catch up on the highlights with #FutureForce2015 on Twitter and blog posts by Chief of Army Lieutenant General Angus …

The challenges of peace

The human, economic and political consequences of going to war are familiar and terrible. Hardly less onerous, but much less familiar, are the problems of restoring a nation when the guns fall silent. How to …

The path ahead for Army aviation

When I started to ponder Army aviation in its totality, I realised that force structure planning and project definition for Army aviation is a bit of a mess. Lest that sound a bit harsh, let …

Tony Abbott and Australia’s defence

Tony Abbott today set the course for future government policy on naval shipbuilding in Australia. In his speech to ASPI’s Future Force Structure Options for Army Conference, the Prime Minister committed the government to a …