Cyber wrap

It’s ConnectSmart week across the Tasman, an event that seeks to raise awareness of cyber security in the New Zealand community. National Cyber Policy Office director Paul Ash has encouraged Kiwis to come up with …

The defence challenges of the United Kingdom II

Amidst increasing alliance concern that the United Kingdom is approaching the point at which ‘little Britain’ may, in military terms, be both perception and reality, the British government has embarked upon a new Strategic Defence …

To build or not to build?

‘A 30-40% premium’, ‘3 AWDs for the cost of 9’, ‘500 more jobs in SA for future submarine sustainment’—all snapshots from recent Government media releases. The Government appears to be preparing the political ground for …

Sea, air and land wrap

Sea State Japan’s Defense Ministry plans to build two new destroyers armed with Aegis’ upgraded Ballistic Missile Defence system, which is capable of shooting down both high-altitude ballistic missiles and low-altitude anti-ship missiles. The first …

Terrorism, treachery and Australian citizenship

Public debate about reform of our citizenship laws continues to be hampered by a significant categorisation error. Whether Australian citizenship should be held by traitors remains the heart of the matter. The core issue is …

Australia and Canada—what price defence?

Australia and Canada have similar defence problems. Both have a continental area to surveil and defend; and both front onto three oceans, while having to build their defence forces from the resources of relatively small …

Defence and climate change management

In February 2015, President Barack Obama listed climate change alongside international terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and infectious disease in a new national security strategy. The US National Security Strategy called climate change ‘an urgent …

The Indonesian economy: dangers ahead

Indonesia’s economic slowdown seems to be going from bad to worse with economists and business leaders blaming a lack of confidence in Joko Widodo government’s policies as much as plunging exports and a drop in …

Asia’s history challenge

ASEAN’s leaders are worried about what history tells them about the future of Southeast Asia. The fears about the lessons of history are a discordant note as ASEAN steps up to a great moment in …

ASPI suggests

Kicking off today’s round-up is an infographic on the world’s major oil trade flows. No surprises, the Middle East tops the list with the 850.1 million tonnes of crude oil flowing out of the country …

Waterloo and what came after

Yesterday was the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo. It’s not an anniversary likely to attract much attention in the average Aussie pub, but perhaps one that strategists might like to mark. The battle …

Alliances, maturity and Asian strategic balances

Geoffrey Barker has written an important couple of posts (here and here), arguing the case for a post-ANZUS defence policy for Australia. Important because, if he is right, and ANZUS has passed its use-by date, …