Strategy and China’s South China Sea

The failings of the counter-strategies, raised in William Choong’s provocative piece on China’s successful South China Sea strategy, have been evident for quite some time but have been glossed over. The conventional approach to addressing …

Cyber wrap

Last week German Bundestag internal servers fell victim to an external hacking attempt. The government is keeping details close to its chest, but a spokesperson for the German Lower House confirmed that the attack had …

#jihad: the weaponisation of Twitter

Recent reports demonstrate that the online environment is playing an ongoing role in the radicalisation of those joining jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria. Oliver Bridgeman’s decision to reportedly travel to Syria and fight with …

Searching for trust with Indonesia

This post has been adapted from a recent ASPI panel discussion ‘Australia and Indonesia: getting back on track’. The full video of the event is available here.  Notwithstanding the evident abilities of our foreign service officers—and …

The Commonwealth’s call to duty

As the centenary of Anzac Day passes, considerable reflection and reassessment has taken place. Despite changes to the roles Australia and New Zealand play in world affairs, one international relationship has endured—their association with the …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State At last week’s MAST Asia 2015 conference on maritime defence and security technology in Yokohama, it became apparent that Japan’s two largest defence manufacturers—Mitsubishi and Kawasaki—are awaiting the Japanese government’s lead on two …

A calm and unhurried approach to Indonesia

This post has been adapted from a recent ASPI panel discussion ‘Australia and Indonesia: getting back on track’. The full video of the event is available here.  To get things back on track, Australia needs to …

Budget 2015: aid program the biggest loser

There were no major winners in last week’s 2015 Budget but there was certainly one major loser: us. Though well telegraphed, the Federal Government went ahead with a $1bn cut to the 2015 Australian aid …

China’s South China Sea strategy: simply brilliant

A Fiery Cross to Bear: Interactive on #China construction on Fiery Cross Reef – — AMTI (@AsiaMTI) April 20, 2015 In the past 12 months, China has provoked considerable attention with its reclamation …

An optimist’s toast for Australia and Indonesia

This post has been adapted from a recent ASPI panel discussion ‘Australia and Indonesia: getting back on track’. The full video of the event is available here.  As a born optimist, I share Benjamin Franklin’s sentiment—misquoted …

Alan Moorehead’s Gallipoli

There have been at least seventy books by individual authors published under the title Gallipoli in as many decades. From the British Poet Laureate John Masefield in 1916 to Australia’s Les Carlyon in 2001 and …

ASPI suggests

If you missed last night’s ASPI event ‘Australia and Indonesia: getting back on track’, Felicity Norman has a cracking rundown of the main themes on New Mandala here (video of the event to follow shortly). Australia isn’t the only country …

B-1 Bombers to Australia?

We woke up to media news this morning that US B-1 strategic bombers would be ‘coming to Australia to deter Beijing’s South China Sea ambitions’. This referred to a statement made by US Defence Department …

Budget 2015: countering online extremism

ISIL is having considerable success in employing public social media platforms for recruitment and propaganda. In Australian cases like Jake Bilardi and Mehmet Biber, we’ve seen the social media component playing a role in the radicalisation and recruitment …

Uncle Sam needs YOU, Silicon Valley

The perennial problem for governments in grappling with cyber security and cyber policy more broadly has been ‘how do we engage the private sector’. Those who spend countless hours trawling through policy documents sigh at …