Disaster resilience and northern Australia

The Abbott government wants to accelerate the development of northern Australia. To advance that goal, Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg recently announced a taskforce to explore options for reducing insurance premiums in northern Australia. The taskforce …

What’s happening in the South China Sea?

While China’s recent assertiveness in the South China Sea might shock and surprise today’s observers, its behaviour has actually been remarkably consistent over recent decades. China first exercised its power in the region in January …

Making strategic policy: what’s involved?

With preparations for the 2015 Defence White Paper well underway, I’d like to offer some thoughts about how strategic policy is—ideally—made. I see strategy as the purposeful actions undertaken by an actor within a specific …

Cyber wrap

The cyber wrap is back after ICPC’s short break attending the Global Conference on Cyberspace in The Hague. Stay tuned for a series of blogs about the event soon, but in the meantime you can …

Sea, air and land updates

Sea State This week’s release of ministerial advice under freedom of information laws has revealed that by discussing the high likelihood of Japan winning the SEA 1000 contract last year, Prime Minister Abbott acted against …

Naval deconstruction: RAND’s shipbuilding report

Commissioned in September 2014 under a $2.5 million contract, the RAND report Australian’s Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise: Preparing for the 21st Century was released on 16 April 2015. The government says it’s developing an ‘enterprise-level Naval Shipbuilding …

The NZ in ANZAC: why New Zealand matters

Last month, considerable homage was paid to the Anzac legacy. Australia has been scrupulous in acknowledging the ‘NZ’ in ANZAC at events across the country. And New Zealand is consistently ranked as the country most warmly …

Defence and climate security

Last week I attended a climate change and strategic military geography seminar held at Russell Offices in Canberra on the impact of climate change on Defence. The seminar was convened by the Global Change and Strategic …

Indonesia and Australia, together apart

Indonesia recalled its ambassador from Canberra because Australian intelligence eavesdropped on the Indonesian president and his wife. Now Australia recalls its ambassador from Jakarta because Indonesia has executed two Australian drug smugglers. The same diplomatic …

ASPI suggests

This week saw the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War. Four decades later, how do young Vietnamese view the Vietnam War? For an American perspective, a group of Marines …

Middle East operations: building capacity in Iraq

Security across the Middle East region is of increasing concern, with the Houthi insurgency destabilising Yemen and drawing airstrikes from Saudi Arabia and nine Arab allies, and the Da’esh franchise spreading its propaganda and its …

The US–Japan alliance goes global

Due to continuing challenges around the TPP agreement, the public release of the revised Guidelines for Japan–US Defense Cooperation is the key policy outcome of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s spring visit to Washington DC. The …

Australian defence industry: where to next?

Recent discussions on naval shipbuilding have highlighted the importance of a vibrant and innovative defence industry for both strategic and economic security reasons. Prior experience with building the Anzac- frigates shows that Australia can build …

Vietnam fifty years on

Last weekend’s commemorations of the centenary of the Gallipoli landings was the ultimate expression of our habit of reflecting on the causes, conduct and consequences of war at the time of major anniversaries. Unfortunately, Australia’s …