CT Scan

This week’s CT Scan shines a light on Australia’s ‘white jihadi’, marriage and motherhood in the Islamic State, Boko Haram, terror trends in Southeast Asia, neo-Nazism, and the impact of terrorism research. With the identification …

Integrity at the Border

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) is going to be a border enforcement agency! That’s hardly an earth-shattering statement, given the public policy dialogue in the media and senate estimates over the last …

The Beat

AUSTRAC Typologies of Crime report The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) has published their annual typologies of crime and case studies report. It makes for interesting reading, both in terms of how people …

The Nashos and Vietnam

Amid the attention to the various centenaries of the first world war, we should not overlook the half-centenaries of the Vietnam War. As a recent ‘Rear Vision’ program on the ABC reminded us, fifty years …

Cyber wrap

The CIA is set to undertake one of its largest-ever internal restructures since its inception in 1947. The reorganisation will see a new ‘Directorate of Digital Innovation’ join the agency’s four existing directorates. CIA head …

Nuclear latency and the future strategic environment

Since the 1946 ‘Report on the International Control of Atomic Energy’ and the closely associated Baruch Plan formulated by the United States, ‘nuclear latency’—put simply, the potential for countries to obtain nuclear weapons capability—has been …

Rapid Fire

With International Women’s Day yesterday this week’s Land Warfare tips its hat to women in the US army and former CIA spy Betty McIntosh, and then looks at Boko Haram, US military power, the offensive …

Flight Path

This week’s post discusses the implications of UAV exports, F-35 production, the future of warfare, swarming and 3D printing. Last week, we discussed the US export policy for unmanned aerial systems. This week, we look …

It’s Canberra Day! (we’ll be back tomorrow…)

Team Strategist is taking a break to celebrate a public holiday in the nation’s capital (currently illuminated like the set of Tron). But we’ll be back tomorrow with our usual line-up of analysis and updates. Until then, for some good reads, …

ASPI suggests

Happy International Women’s Day from The Strategist team! The Center for New American Security last week hosted a conference on ‘Women and Leadership in International Security’ (recap here), where USAF Secretary Deborah James announced a …

Australia and the issue of border security

Why is ASPI starting a border security program? Why is border security important to an island country with no land borders? Where and what is a border in a globalised world? In the past a …

Integration, strategy and the ADF

This piece was drawn from the second part of a presentation to the 2015 Chief of Air Force Symposium, the theme of which was ‘Integrating Air Power.’ At last year’s Air Power Conference in Canberra I spoke …

CT Scan

This week’s update includes CCTV for Australian schools, British extremism, China’s CT laws, the FBI’s online fight against IS, white supremacy, and inside the mind of a terrorist. Australian schools categorised as being at risk …