Australia not pulling its weight in Antarctica

Two incidents so far this year have highlighted Australia’s inability to protect its sovereignty and discharge its responsibilities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. In the first incident in January, three foreign fishing vessels were …

Sea State

It was another big week for submarines here in Australia. Early last week the Defence Minister’s office said that the competitive evaluation process for the Collins-class submarine replacement will involve two distinct stages—a request for …

DFAT swallows WasAID: aidies, tradies and pinstripes

Smoke clears. Agony and anguish ebb. The fallen depart. The integration of AusAID into the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade—the greatest revolution in Australia’s foreign policy bureaucracy since 1987—is done, if not dusted. The …

ASPI suggests

Kim Jong Un unveils sculpted eyebrow work and defined hair at Politburo meeting today | @KCNAWatch — Frank Feinśtein (@frankfeinstein) February 19, 2015 In this week’s collection of reads and podcasts, we’ve got Islamic State …

LAND 400—equipping Australia’s Army

Defence Minister Kevin Andrews’ confirmation on Monday that tenders were finally about to open for LAND 400—a $10 billion project to replace Army’s thousand or so M113, ASLAV, and Bushmaster combat vehicles—sparked considerable interest from …

Submarine construction: the Swedish view

With continuing uncertainty in Australia about the future direction of SEA 1000, it’s both interesting and refreshing to visit Sweden to see what’s happening regarding the development of the next generation of submarines. There’s a …

CT Scan

Welcome to CT Scan, a weekly wrap of developments and ideas in terrorism and counter-terrorism (CT) from Australia and abroad. First, there have been some domestic developments resulting from the Sydney siege, with the joint …

The Beat

This week’s installment covers unexplained wealth, the ACC and gangs, anti-bikie laws, cybercrime in Australia, CVE and the Boston Marathon bomber trial. Unexplained wealth: revenue or effect? While the Australian Government works through the options …

Re-envisioning the second nuclear age

Concepts are long-lived in the world of strategy—so long-lived that we need to revisit them periodically to confirm that their meaning hasn’t shifted. Lately, I’ve started thinking that the notion of a ‘second nuclear age’ …

Cyber wrap

In what was a big week for Canberra international cyber policy folk, in addition to ICPC’s workshop in KL, last week also saw the inaugural meeting of the Australia–Japan Cyber Policy Dialogue. The meeting was …

The ADF’s new toys? (part 1)

I’ve often argued that the best predictor of the ADF’s future force structure is the current one. In other words, it’s much more likely that today’s platforms and capabilities will be replaced by something that …

Rapid Fire

Welcome to Rapid Fire, a weekly wrap of recent developments in international land warfare, to run alongside other regular ASPI updates like the long-running Cyber Wrap and the more recently added Sea State and The Beat. …

Radicalisation and extremism in schools

In an oped piece published today I’ve focused on the issue of safeguarding Australian school children from the risks of radicalisation and extremism. I’d like to add four extra thoughts on this issue. First, in …

Flight Path

We’re excited to launch a new weekly update, Flight Path, that’ll chart the major developments and debates in airpower and space technology. Opening this week’s post is news on the F-35. On 27 January, RAAF Squadron …