Gateway to radicalisation

I was asked in a recent radio interview what drives young men, like Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the man suspected of beheading James Foley, to become radicalised and go overseas to places like Syria and Iraq …

Cyber wrap

Pinged all devices on the Internet, here's a map of where they're located :) — John Matherly (@achillean) August 28, 2014 This week, the Internet governance debate descends on Istanbul, with the start of …

A time for action—not more talk!

Much has been said in recent days about the need for parliament to debate and decide whether to deploy Australian military forces in support of international humanitarian relief operations in Iraq and Syria. The flag …

National security and civil liberties

It’s always good to see debate about civil liberties and security legislation here on The Strategist. With a number of changes to security legislation in the wind, it was appropriate that my colleagues Toby Feakin …

Where do Australian interests stop?

As dawn broke on 1 January 1901, the splendidly-attired band of the Royal New South Wales Lancers was busy polishing its kit (including the new kettle-drums to be carried on a beautiful white Clydesdale draft-horse). …

Reader response: US foreign policy

A recent article on The Strategist argued that the US needs to ‘turn down the heat’ by taking advantage of opportunities to ‘arrest deteriorating situations (like Iraq and Ukraine).’ But that advice assumes the United …

Hasten slowly in the Middle East

Australia seems poised to send F/A-18 Super Hornets to support a ‘coalition of the willing’ in what’ll probably prove to be a futile attempt to contain the so-called Islamic State forces that are reshaping the …

ASPI suggests

Fairfax’s Michael Bachelard kicks off this week’s recommended readings and podcasts with this op-ed on how Australia ‘won’ the spying row with Indonesia. He argues that the language of the Code of Conduct, signed yesterday by …

Defence: towards social inclusion

Diversity and social inclusion have been key issues for Defence. The Defence strategy for cultural change and reinforcement, Pathway to Change, has mandated a focus on those issues, and others, in Defence’s cultural evolution. But …

Cyber wrap

This week, Australian government and private sector cooperation on cybersecurity appears to have picked up pace. Speaking at a summit in Sydney, Mike Rothery, First Assistant Secretary at the Attorney-General’s Department’s National Security Resilience Policy …

PLA tries its hand at transparency

The People’s Liberation Army’s military modernisation programs are often criticised for their lack of transparency, with commentators citing an increased risk of regional insecurity as capabilities expand in the shadows. But in China’s perspective, transparency …

Mr Abbott goes to India

When Prime Minister Abbott visits India in early September he should follow a simple rule: don’t talk about regional power politics, focus instead on India’s plans for economic development. A recent article suggested that India …