The five greatest metal battleships of all time

In December last year, National Interest listed the world’s five greatest battleships, defined as the most iconic. Definitions matter. Less adventurous but maybe more easily defended, here’s a list of the five greatest metal battleships …

Search and rescue: a growing responsibility

Regional search and rescue (SAR) issues have stolen a lot of international headlines lately. The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 in March, and the subsequent multinational search effort, revealed substantial cracks in the region’s …

Asia, not Atlantic, for Hillary

A part of being a foreign-affairs tragic is believing any memoir by a modern US Secretary of State is interesting, no matter how flawed the book or the Secretary. This tragic ranks the autobiographies of …

ASPI suggests

You know the drill! Here are some new reports, links and other useful defence and security-related things. This week news has been dominated by the activities of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham aka …

LHD and STOVL: an engineer’s view

As a military aircraft engineer, I’ve been associated with STOVL aircraft operations for around 30 years, and have worked on the F-35 program. So I’ve followed the current discussions around potential use of F-35B from …

Future frigates: hasten slowly

My colleague Mark Thomson despairs over the prospect of the early replacement of Navy’s Anzac frigates on cost-effectiveness grounds. He’s probably right, but I worry instead about the possibility that the capability implications and project …

The ADF’s quiet leaders

Here’s a curious fact: for the better part of two decades the ADF has been led by quiet, at times understated leaders, who put a premium on calmness and seldom raise their voices in anger. …

Cyber wrap

Cyber policy was on the table at the 5th Japan–Australia 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Consultations in Tokyo last week. Building on Tony Abbott’s April commitment to hold a bilateral cyber dialogue, the consultation established that …

Time for a sensible defence industry policy

The 2015 Defence White Paper will come with a library of supporting documents, including a new Defence Industry Policy Statement (DIPS). This year is therefore an opportunity finally to develop a sensible defence industry policy: …

What is China’s strategy?

A simple question about what China has been doing to its neighbours keeps recurring: How is that smart? The question came up in dozens of conversations at the Shangri-La dialogue in Singapore and the Asia-Pacific …

ASPI suggests

For this week’s final instalment of suggests from Washington DC, I’ve rounded up a mix of expertise from both sides of the pond. Kicking off this week is a Wall Street Journal piece by CNAS’ …

Iraq, Syria and ISIS: the regional fallout

The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) poses a serious challenge to Iraq’s future. The lacklustre performance of the Iraqi military bodes ill for the prospects of the government recovering control …

China’s peaceful rise into pieces

China has gone from peaceful rise to rising by pieces, as it smashes the nascent regional security order. Not much peace in prospect as China forcefully asserts its ownership over pieces of the East China …