The AFP’s budget: pain delayed

Last Tuesday’s Commonwealth budget saw a small increase in funding to the Australian Federal Police for next year. But the planned cuts to AFP in the years beyond are large—the Commonwealth contribution to their budget …

Panda-prodders versus panda-huggers

 Only five years ago, it was possible to categorise Canberra’s clash over China as setting Oz dragon-slayers against Oz panda-huggers. The differences within Canberra were mild and muted compared with those in Washington, but we …

ASPI suggests

It was a big week for Defence with the Federal Budget handing down, on balance, a win for the portfolio. Check out Mark Thomson’s preliminary analysis of this year’s figures here. His always hotly anticipated Cost …

Use it before you lose it

In early March on The Strategist I wrote (in response to Andrew Zammit) that the government should be required to provide a public response to the recommendations of the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (INSLM) …

Yet more on ‘strategy’

As readers of this post will undoubtedly recall from schooldays spent declining Greek nouns, the word strategos means ‘general’; hence our word, ‘strategy’, or the ‘art of generalship’. Of course leadership in war was never …

Abe and a resurgent Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has chalked up a string of wins lately—all in the field of strategic policy. The visit by President Obama led to a public strengthening of US commitments to defence of …

The lost meaning of strategy

Strategy has long been a contested concept. Yet despite all of the debate surrounding the term, strategy ultimately concerns the relationship between military means and political ends. As the British strategist and military historian Basil …

Cyber wrap

The 2014–15 Australian Federal Budget was released last night, and many are still likely digesting its key points. Although criticised for going back on election promises after announcing deep spending cuts and more taxes, the …

How to buy a submarine, American style

A couple of weeks ago the Pentagon announced that it had awarded a contract for another ten Virginia class nuclear attack submarines (SSNs). The headline price was US$17.6 billion, or about $1.76 billion per boat, …

What’s strategy?

The debate between Peter Jennings and Robert Ayson over whether DFAT does ‘strategy’ has opened up a rich vein of thinking. In essence, the debate has been less about what DFAT does or doesn’t do, …

When America sees Australia

When American thinkers turn their eyes to Australia they can describe sharp shapes and strange colours that surprise the citizens of Oz. Sometimes the view offered in an American accent is just a bit of …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back to our weekly round-up of new reports, podcasts and other news in the defence, security and strategy world. Today’s headlining item is a timely exploration by Usman Hamid on New Mandala of the …