ASPI suggests

We’re kicking off today’s round-up with an interesting article on the complex relationship between military robots and their soldiers. Here’s an excerpt: From holding elaborate funerals for robots, complete with 21-gun salutes, valor medals, and memorial markers, …

Tipping the scales? – not yet

Justice Michael Kirby has a long ‘to do’ list for Kim Jong-un. The Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea, chaired by retired Australian judge Michael Kirby, released its report on Monday. It …

Let’s create a better Internet together

Perhaps a bit dazed from the raucous success that was Safer Internet Day 2014, the European Commission may have taken the motto ‘let’s create a better Internet together’ a bit too far. Last Wednesday, the …

Cyber wrap

This week saw the long-awaited release of US President Obama’s Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity after a year of concentrated effort by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The document has been …

Australia–France dialogue requires Pacific involvement

In their recent Strategist posts, Anthony Bergin and Peter Jennings propose closer defence cooperation between Australia and France, following the ASPI Australia–France Defence and Industry Dialogue. But surprisingly, both authors are largely silent about the …

Guns and roses… but no Valentine’s Day massacre

The Valentine’s Day meeting in Suva between Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Fiji’s Prime Minister, Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama proved more of a love-in than a confrontation. Predictions before the meeting suggested that confrontation—at least …

When making up is hard to do

From London to Davos to New York, the new year has seen China and Japan stepping up their war of rhetoric. Writing an op-ed in Britain’s Daily Telegraph, Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese ambassador to Britain, …

Sacré bleu! L’alliance essentielle?

At the end of January, ASPI hosted a 1.5 track defence and industry dialogue between Australian and French defence officials and think-tank and industry representatives. Why France and why now? Only the most one-eyed of …

Defence efficiency and other mythical beasts

Desultory interest is stirring once again amongst the occasional Minister and the chattering classes in making Defence efficient. In this quixotic quest ASPI has recently made a wide-ranging, well-reasoned submission to the Committee of Audit. …

Drone strikes in a multipolar world

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) are the go-to platform for US targeted killing as part of the ongoing War on Terror. Despite chatter about the possibility of fighter drones operating in contested airspace (a …

ASPI suggests

We’re kicking off today’s round-up with a useful primer from the Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) on five strategic architectures that can be applied to the case of US–China confrontation. For an illustration of one of …

National security: an ASPI view

In addition the making a submission on defence efficiency to the National Commission of Audit, ASPI also provided on a paper on national security priorities. This paper addresses the dynamics behind Australia’s national security debate, …