Afghanistan – what next?

My new ASPI paper ‘Afghanistan—transition to transformation‘ is a look at the future of Afghanistan as the ADF mission there winds down. ‘Transition’ (2001–2014) is the primarily UN-led period designed to rebuild the basic national …

France: Australia’s regional partner?

As Andrew Davies mentioned last week, we’ve just held an Australia-France Defence and Industry Dialogue. We discussed a wide range of security, industry and defence cooperation issues. There was a lively discussion about the big …

The future of Airpower and the strategic outlook

Peter Layton’s recent post promoting UAVs in response to my earlier comment makes some very good points, but it’s important to remain cautious of UAVs until they’ve proven themselves at all levels of military conflict. …

Why values count

As regular folks in Canberra were closing down for the summer break, Graeme Dobell was on a writing roll for The Strategist. He questioned the still freshly minted Prime Minister’s attachment to values in Australia’s …

Tony Abbott and the Thatcher view

While Tony Abbot calls John Howard his mentor, it’s worth considering the impact on the Abbott universe of another political warrior whose profile was always instantly recognisable. The warrior’s hair was perfect as a helmet, …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back to our weekly round-up of new reports and updates in the defence and security realm. The Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict released a new report yesterday on Indonesians and the Syrian Conflict …

The impact of Syria alumni on Indonesian jihadism

The past year has seen extensive media coverage of Australians fighting with Syrian jihadist groups. Less noticed, however, has been the case of Indonesians fighting overseas. Indonesian Islamist organisations have been closely monitoring the Syrian …

Towards an unmanned air combat capability (part 1)

Malcolm Davis’s recent post considered unmanned air vehicles (UAV) and falling tactical fighter fleet numbers. The issues raised are worth exploring further as they directly relate to the ADF’s future air combat capability. Simply put, …

Cyber wrap

This last week saw world leaders gathering in Davos in the Swiss Alps for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. With the WEF releasing its Risk and Responsibility in a Hyperconnected World and its Global …

Going under: European defence sales to Australia

Over the next couple of days, Australian and French think tank, industry and government officials will participate in the ASPI Australia–France Defence and Industry Dialogue. Peter Jennings will be along later to talk about some …

Hypersonic anti-ship missiles – incoming?

Ben Schreer wrote earlier today about the strategic implications of hypersonic weapons. Now we’ll have a look at some of the military technology implications. It’s worth noting that there are some difficult problems to be …

Avoiding death by powerpoint

Many of you will head back tomorrow from holidays and into lecture halls and conference rooms after this Australia Day holiday weekend. In preparation, please take a moment to arm yourself some simple tools to …

ASPI suggests

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the strategy cult classic film by Stanley Kubrick, ‘Dr Strangelove or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb’. Over at The New Yorker, Eric Schlosser looks …

Aid for Philippines brings security shifts

International aid for the Philippines after last November’s devastating typhoon has had some security consequences. Changes have occurred in the Philippines’ relations with the United States, with Japan, with China, with Hong Kong and with …

Graph of the week: the high cost of high costs

Just before Christmas, the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) put out an interesting report Process over platforms: a paradigm shift in acquisition through advanced manufacturing (PDF) by Aaron Martin and (expat Australian) Ben …

Old-world assumptions and time-tested conventions

As the mood of crisis that surrounded the Indonesia–Australia spying scandal recedes into the past, debate continues about what lessons Australia should learn from the affair. While the episode certainly provides instruction on how we …