Australia’s ‘dirty bomb’ in Vienna

Shocked and confused. That’s how the international community is reacting to news that a major Australian radiological security initiative has just been canned. The corridors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were abuzz with …

How to manage long project timelines? (part 2)

I discussed previously that force structure planning should take into account that new equipment projects have very long timelines—Andrew Davies’ post this morning explains clearly the downsides of getting the planning wrong. It might help …

Does a bear fish in the south?

Richard Herr’s recent post on Russia’s links with Fiji was fascinating. But it’s also worth noting that Russia has been active in our southern backyard. As long time Antarctic observer Andrew Darby recently pointed out: …

Cyber wrap

This week has seen the release of two government papers on the issue of cybercrime. On Monday The Attorney General’s Department launched the National Plan to Combat Cybercrime, the key policy announcement of which was …

Visiting the troops

Visiting the troops deployed overseas has been a tradition for Australian politicians at least as far back as June 1916, when Billy Hughes travelled to the Western Front and met soldiers shortly before the appalling …

ASPI suggests

The normalisation of tension on the Korean Peninsula is settling onto its foundations, with South Korea pledging US$7.3 million of humanitarian aid to North Korea over the weekend. The move came one day before South …

Towards a Cyber White Paper

The Cyber White Paper, originally promised for release in the first half of 2012, has been delayed several times. In October last year, responsibility for its production was quietly transferred from the Prime Minister’s Department …

Australia’s defence engagement: history repeating?

ASPI’s just released Strategy Paper on Australia’s regional defence diplomacy provides a useful snapshot of what Australia’s defence engagement currently involves and where it might usefully head. It’s not as strong, however, on where we’ve …

The Anglocybersphere

Bang on time to complement ASPI’s extended debate about the anglosphere, a senior dialogue of Homeland Security Ministers from the five eyes countries (the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) was held this week …