ASPI recommends: Augustine’s Laws

Over the following weeks, The Strategist is going to pore over its bookshelves to bring to you new and classic books for your essential reading list. The first entry is one of ASPI’s defence researcher’s …

Grand Strategy? What does that do for me?

Grand strategy is a big idea back in fashion as a useful way to think about and address important issues. But many grand strategic schemes advocated are complicated, incomplete, inappropriate and use arcane terms that …

Reader response: white papers and self-sufficiency

There’s one consistent thread to Australian Defence White Papers that didn’t really come out in Peter Jennings’ article—the notion of self-reliance. Of course, we didn’t come to that notion by accident—it was pretty much forced …

Think of insurance rather than threat

When the subject of defence spending surfaces in public debate, there are inevitable and regrettable exchanges about whether Australia faces a ‘threat’ that justifies the expenditure. This is understandable, given the psychology of warfare, but …

Guns or butter?

How much money can Australia afford to spend on defence in the long-term? The conventional wisdom is that Australia faces daunting fiscal pressures in the decades ahead due to its ageing population and the rising …

Welcome to The Strategist

Over the past 11 years, ASPI has been proud to produce fresh ideas and analysis on Australia’s most important long-term strategic and defence issues. ASPI’s well-established publication lines have served us well, and we’ll continue …