The dangerous retreat into protectionism

Trade barriers, tariffs and other protectionist tools are starting to feature more prominently around the world, often appearing under the heading of economic security. The decision by President Joe Biden’s administration this month to quadruple US …

Northern defence industry needs targeted grants

Australia should establish a separate budget allocation for special defence industry grants to build up companies in the north in support of the armed forces. Northern Australia is strategically crucial, and so, therefore, is developing …

Is the Quad becoming a Potemkin alliance?

When four of the Indo-Pacific’s leading democracies—Australia, India, Japan and the United States—revived the long-dormant Quad in 2017, their objective was clear: to create a strategic bulwark against Chinese expansionism and reinforce a stable regional balance …

Is Putin preparing for nuclear war?

On 6 May, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced he had authorised a military exercise involving the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in southern Russia. He claimed there was ‘nothing unusual’ in such a planned training …

New Zealand is waking up to threats

While Australian defence policy looks north, Kiwis focus west. New Zealand has always benefited from strategic isolation and the distance from international conflicts. But as global dangers increase, the reality of the geo-political situation is …