Parliament and the Australian way of war

The way Australia goes to war needs new conventions to give parliament a greater role in the weightiest choice any nation can make. Creating parliamentary customs or conventions is the only realistic way to touch …

Germany’s green pacifism goes to war

Germany is emerging from dreamland, and the Green Party, a most unlikely avatar of realism, is leading the way. Forty years ago, the Greens arose out of nowhere with a hard-core ideology: no American nuclear …

Afghanistan’s abyss

In the year since the abandonment of Afghanistan to the Taliban by the US and its allies, the country has gone down precisely the path any logical observer would have predicted: a medieval, jihadist, terrorist-sheltering …

Going back to the future to fight cybercrime

Over the past decade, Australia’s law enforcement community has increasingly taken the driver’s seat in developing new thinking for policing. While that’s likely to be challenged by officials from Dubai to London, Australia’s law enforcement …