Why Putin wants to destroy Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is so savage precisely because he believes Russians and Ukrainians are one people. To understand his decision to invade, we should listen to how he himself explains it—and …

The Quad at a crossroads

When the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue was first conceived as a strategic coalition of the Indo-Pacific’s four leading democracies, many doubted that it would amount to much. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi mocked it as a …

The passing of Australia’s panda passion

In Canberra’s great China debate, the panda huggers dominated the dragon slayers for the first 15 years of this century. Lots of happy huggers drowned out those who feared that the dragon danger would trump …

Redesigning supply chains to meet Australia’s needs

Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re more aware of the weaknesses of globalisation and the flaws of managing supply and demand through just-in-time practices. The problem is clear for Australia’s policymakers, but the solution less …