The global fallout from war in Ukraine

How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will play out remains unclear. But it’s already been a geopolitical game-changer—in Europe and beyond. Russia’s aggression has jolted Europe out of its post–Cold War complacency. Lulled by decades of …

War in Ukraine holds sobering lessons for Taiwan

Russia’s terrible invasion of Ukraine is looming over the Indo-Pacific with its lessons for Taiwan’s relations with China. Some of those lessons are important reality checks. Assumptions about a nominally superior military force have been …

DFAT needs a domestic policy division

Australian foreign policy is characterised by the perpetual dilemma of grand strategy: aligning lofty aspirations (shaping the Indo-Pacific) with limited resources (a population of 26 million and relative economic decline). If Australia is to meet …

Pakistan after the fall of Imran Khan

Imran Khan’s less than four-year stint as prime minister of Pakistan came to an abrupt end with his defeat in a vote of no confidence in the National Assembly on 9 April. His departure marked …