Tag Archive for: "Asia"
The deal and steel of the US in Asia

An Asia that doubted the strength and commitment of the US pivot now confronts a new White House songbook. The tune is ‘America First’. The words are, ‘Let’s make a deal!’ And Asia can’t yet …

A shifting Asian nuclear order

A Special Report (PDF) released by ASPI today examines the shifting Asian nuclear order by exploring four case studies—the US–China relationship, the South Asian nuclear dynamic, the North Korean nuclear program and the challenges confronting US extended …

The Strategist Six: Kurt Campbell

Welcome to The Strategist Six, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. What are the major challenges facing …

The US Asian pivot and Australia’s role (part 1)

The importance of the ‘rules-based global order’ as a defence priority appears as frequently in the 2016 defence white paper as ‘self-reliance’ did in the 1987 DWP. It’s the leitmotif of the publication. Multiple challenges from state …

Asian growth in turbulent times

A new reality is emerging in Asia. In recent decades, many of Asia’s economies have boomed. The region today accounts for about 40% of the world’s GDP—up from 25% in 1990-and contributes about two-thirds of …