Tag Archive for: "Australia–US relations"
US could ask Australia to host nuclear missiles

What would we say if Washington asked to base nuclear-armed missiles, aimed at China, on Australian territory? It’s not an entirely hypothetical question. Amid all the talk of a new cold war with China, the …

ANZUS in the age of disruption

The network of US alliances built in the early years of the Cold War has proven remarkably resilient. Nowadays, it’s easy—and wrong—to take that resilience for granted. Back in 1997, Stephen Walt, analysing alliance durability, …

Getting real about Australia’s security

The attack on Pearl Harbor is generally seen, by both Americans and Australians, as the most momentous event of December 1941. However, another event occurred three days later that is of much greater significance because …

Policy, Guns and Money: Episode 7

In this podcast Madeleine Nyst talks to Michael Shoebridge on the connections between human rights and global security, and Donald Trump’s pick for the role of US ambassador to Australia. Also in this episode, Danielle …