Tag Archive for: "Australia"
Australia and Africa: opportunities beyond aid

Forty years ago Australia decided to engage China. We should now embark on a similar path of engagement with Africa. Africa is on a growth trajectory that’s enabled it to become the world’s fastest-growing continent. …

Cyber wrap

News that Malcolm Turnbull became Australia’s 29th Prime Minister this week was met with excitement from Australia’s ICT industry. Turnbull, who was an early investor in Australian ISP OzEmail and several other internet businesses has …

The US and assurance anxieties in Asia

The US ‘rebalance’ to the Asia–Pacific has been under way since late 2011. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in October 2011 of a ‘strategic turn to the region…to secure and sustain America’s global …

Oz–India: Commonwealth to Chemistry

The slow and stuttering course of the Australia–India relationship over the last 70 years has been troubled by the Curse of the Cs. The Cs are about what the two Indian Ocean states seem to …