Tag Archive for: "Australian Army"
A changing climate for land forces

Janette Lindesay, Professor of Climatology at the ANU, and the CSIRO’s Mark Howden have pointed out that 2015 was the hottest year on record since modern record-keeping began in 1880. Lindesey and Howden note that: …

Army—getting ready to pounce?

The Australian Army did pretty well post-INTERFET, gaining two extra battalions and some new tanks and artillery. But today the Army has pretty much taken a back seat to Air Force and Navy in the …

Aussie diggers: building partner capacity

For well over a century Australian soldiers have been deploying offshore on combat operations. It could be argued, though, that some of the Army’s most valuable and enduring contributions in conflict have been building local …

Walking with the Diggers

The Centenary Commemoration of the Great War continues to unearth real treasures from our military history, none more mesmerising than this Exhibition of photographs taken by Australian Diggers, Sailors and Airmen in most theatres of …

Capacity building of allied forces

Counterinsurgency is one of the principal modes of conflict of our time. The component of counterinsurgency operations which remains neglected is the capacity building of allied forces—a subject that is rightfully the subject of a …