Tag Archive for: "Britain"
Pressure builds on Huawei (part 2)

The Trump administration’s moves against Huawei could not have come at a more critical time. They appear calculated for maximum impact on the policy decisions soon to be made on European 5G mobile networks. Europe …

When European politics becomes personal

More often than not, Europe is invoked in abstract terms, such as when politicians argue that European sovereignty is the only path to security in a world dominated by great powers. But as the original …

Getting real about Australia’s security

The attack on Pearl Harbor is generally seen, by both Americans and Australians, as the most momentous event of December 1941. However, another event occurred three days later that is of much greater significance because …

ASPI suggests

The world Britain is preparing to settle its ‘divorce bill’ with the European Union. Initial claims from presumptuous Brexiteers that Britain would be saving, not spending, have proved false—in the short term, at least. The …

Australian marines—what would they be good for?

A UK blog, the Thin Pinstriped Line, has produced a piece about the Royal Marines titled ‘The Corps huh, What is it good for?’ Given Australia’s considerable investment in amphibious capability, a discussion about the …