Tag Archive for: "Britain"
Cyber wrap

It was announced late last week that Australia’s biggest data breach to date had affected donors to the Red Cross Blood Service. A back-up database of 550,000 donor records (including names, contact details and behavioural …

From the bookshelf: The Maisky Diaries

The Maisky Diaries: Red Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s 1932-1943, edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky. Fitzroy MacLean’s superb autobiography, Eastern Approaches, is most famously recalled for his exploits in the Balkans, during the Second …

The benefit of hindsight: the Chilcot report

It took seven years of painstaking investigation, the examination of approximately 150,000 government documents and a 2.6 million word report extending over 13 separate volumes for a British committee of inquiry headed Sir John Chilcot, …

Little England and not-so-Great Britain

As an Anglo-Dutchman—British mother, Dutch father—I cannot help but take Brexit rather personally. I’m not a wholehearted Euro-enthusiast, but a European Union without Britain feels like losing a limb in a terrible accident. Not all …